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Status: work in progress

OpenGT is a suite of Android apps for data-logging and tuning a Mitsubishi 3000GT equipped with a tuneable ECU by using the Tactrix Openport tuning cable. The Tactrix hardware uses a proprietary USB protocol, but I’ve managed to reverse engineer most of it.


The core of OpenGT is a JNI (Java native) library that communicates with the tuning cable and implements the ECU communications. I initially implemented this in Java, but it was just too slow to keep up with the massive amounts of data.

The UI is a typical Android app, implemented in Xamarin (outdated), which uses the JNI library to filter the data for display and logging.


The logging UI has been implemented, but tuning is still in progress. As the target automobile is nearly always unregistered and/or non-functional, I have had little motivation to finish the project.